Hatmaker Week 13, March 2024: Would you look at that!

Hatmaker Week 13, March 2024: Would you look at that!

Posted by Mikael Einarsson on

I have had a very busy March! A lot happening all around me, mostly personal events that I just must handle immediately. Among others, the great renovation of my house. Trying to save a bit on the cost by doing the deconstruction by myself and having contractors come in and help with the structure, pipes etc. It will be costly anyway but it's for the health of the house and for us. Using the kitchen in the garage for the time being. 

I finally received a new tool that I ordered at the beginning of the year. Or perhaps it was ordered at the end of 2023. Can't remember, not important anyway. This is a Sweatband Sewing machine. I have always wanted one but I was reluctant to place the order a couple of years ago as I felt this machine would not be suitable for the way I craft hats. But, I had second thoughts and went ahead and ordered it. Price has of course nearly doubled compare with a few years back. I have to craft a lot of hats to recuperate that cost. But, it will come in handy as stitching sweatbands on to the hat by hand takes a long time. Especially when you have a stack of hats waiting for a sweatband to be attached. The actual sweatband is still assembled by hand, meaning hand stitched reed by me. I won't change that. Far superior to the market sweatband, if you ask me. Please ask me. 

I managed to assemble and tweak the machine to fit my production and it should be incorporated within the next week. It will speed up a certain part of my hat production and add on to the overall efficiency of crafting hats. 

Do I have more tools coming in? Yes I do! The craft is always developing and your kind orders are helping me to do so. I truly appreciate it! Thank you for reading!



Mikael Einarsson | HUFVUD HATMAKER | Askeröd, Sweden


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Hatmaker Week 18, May 2024: Hufvud Homburg Reborn

Hatmaker Week 18, May 2024: Hufvud Homburg Reborn

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